At the reunion this year, I was so happy to have Dad's sister, Ruth Ann, take me up on the invitation to come to our reunion for the first time. We had a great visit and she shared great photos with me. I need to make notes of the family history I garnered during our time together.
This is an impromptu snap of the family in the area before Ruth Ann was preparing to leave. Luckily, it was most of the family attendees...a few missing. The good thing was it was a painless version of time for a family photo...
It's funny, I saw the table settings in front of Morrie and his daughter and it made me miss all the pre-reunion email surveys about Saturday night dinner which always turned out to be KFC. Was it KFC this year?
Is this attending the reunion vicariously? Glad RuthAnn could make it. I wonder with all the generations if it was overwhelming.
ps. Did anybody from Harrison make it this year?
Yes KFC. It's always potluck for me though. Fresh fruit (blueberries included) and black beans and rice.
Dave, Jane and Anne came up for the day. Kyle was on board for the whole weekend.
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