We went to a car show and saw this....
...a Mercedes that runs on used french fry oil. Unfortunately, what you don't spend on gas, you spend at the pharmacy on your cholesterol meds.
a 17 foot wide heart shaped bed that splits down the middle.
(this photo is from the catwalk above the bed)
Grace started Kindergarten on August 28th! Jay has been after me ever since to post. Sorry for the delay but life is crazy! Anyway....we got up and got ready in plenty of time. Then we went out and took pictures. Of course Sara and Griffin had to participate too.
Sara is saying " I'm a Kindergarten Baby" and Grace is saying "No you are not!" This has been their favorite argument for about 3 weeks now.
Sara was the extra ball keeper.
If you happen to be in Pleasant Ridge at 9:30am on a saturday and want to see some future stars......