Tuesday, October 23, 2007


If you have been listening to the news, you may be concerned our our families in the San Diego area. I was pretty frightened when I googled the internet tonight and came to understand the evacuations and road closures are close in terms of miles.

I couldn't get through to Paul & Gene because the phone lines were all jammed. Tonight I called Marilou and then Sandy and I feel much better. According to Sandy, last night was a little tense because the fire was visible from her parents' house. For everyone in the area, air quality and particulates are a problem. They are all trying to stay indoors. All of our family is safe now and their neighborhoods are not at risk. They all are in established neighborhoods that lack the brush and vegetation that fuels the fire. Nonetheless, areas that have never been affect by brush fies in the past have been at risk in during these fires.

The fire has been driven by hot dry wind from the east off the desert. Sandy was very encouraged that the wind is shifting and breaking up. She said when this happens, they can work on the fire instead of just evacuating in front of it. It's not over yet. Keep everyone in your prayers.



rednk-n-eurp said...

So... How long is Uncle Paul suppose to stay off that knee?

Number Three of Eight said...

I don't know. I'm happy he didn't have to run from the fire.

rednk-n-eurp said...

she ran calling Wildfire...