Sunday, March 16, 2008

Under the snow

Just last week, we had about a foot of snow. Weren't the snaps of Grace, Sara, and Griffin great!!! No snowmen or kids at my house...just snow.

Spring officially rolls in Thursday this week but it has been creeping into my yard for the last several weeks. The birds are singing territory and courtship songs. The groundhog crawled out (believe it or not I saw him Feb 3, the day after groundhog day).

But the true sign of spring is when the flowers open. And omigosh there are still fall leaves on top of everything. Time to get busy.

Witchazel is a shrub. This one is fragrant but it has only been in the ground 1.5 years so it doesn't put out a lot of flowers yet. I have to get up close to it to enjoy the smell. I have another one that blooms sort of orange.

Snow drops...galanthus. Johnika has them in Sweden too.
This clump was here when I moved in. Amazing little clump in the middle of the yard way out in the back. I love these guys. They defy winter and they last and last. The squirrels have eaten most of the bulbs I tried to plant. I haven't given up. Just need to defend them better.


payhay said...

are you sure you're not typing sweedish?

rednk-n-eurp said...

we are jealous. We haven't had enough snow to pack a snowball. well, that may not be true, but pretty close.

Number Three of Eight said...

It's Latin silly