Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lenten Rose

Hellebore is also known as Lenten Rose and Christmas Rose. I have several but none have bloomed for me this early until this year. Most of mine bloom late February and into March.

A flash of color caught my eye yesterday when I was filling birdfeeders and I was very surprised and pleased to find this flower blooming near my patio. This little guy is mostly yellow which is unusual for Lenten Rose. I just planted it this year and since it was a seedling, I had no expectation that it would actually be yellow. It sure brightened my day!

The outside maroon color is much more typical for hellebore. I like the two toned effect it gives. The streaks in the face are good too.

The bonus for hellebore is the deer won't touch them! It's just since they bloom in winter, it's easy to miss them.

Happy Birthday Robin

Another December landmark birthday. We celebrated Robin's birthday during our Christmas gathering at Dwight and Julie's.

Happy Birthday Robin. It's good to have you in our family!

Family Gathering Dec 27

It doesn't get much better than this. How much fun can be had at Christmas. Cousins and sisters are the best toys!

Kenady explains how it is done. Sara and Keylee prepare.

Who needs music when you have giggles?

Julie said this was our largest gathering since we've been celebrating our group Christmas in their home.

Beth and Jim's grandkids.

Beth and Jim's kids with spouses. Scottman is in there too...he just evaded my camera.

You can always find our family congregating in the kitchen. It has always been a nurturing place to visit (oh yeah and eat!)



Molly, Olivia, Daniel, and Robin in the background.

It was good to have Brooke, Jamie and all four kids this year. Kyler has grown so much and has become quite a charming young man.

Scott and Christine

The younger crowd enjoying time together.

Kyler and Brooke

Brooke and Jamie's new son was quite popular with the ladies.

Sydney and Olivia.

A great time was had by all. We greatly missed Jamie, Mary, Drew, and Kat and Kai but feel very lucky that so many family members could make it. Thanks so much for hosting Dwight and Julie. Sorry I didn't get photos of everyone uploaded.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Sometimes the holidays mean dragging old memories out of the closet. In this case, it was a last good bye to the plastic version of an erector set that Chris got as a child. It will be relocated to younger cousins after Christmas. I'm not ready to ask Chris to get rid of the Legos. I think those are keepers. The Construx just has too many little pieces for me to consider bringing out during a slumber party or picking up after. But what a great toy set. Hope Jake and Sam get a lot of good use out of them.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dean and the Blue Moon

Dean slipped by with a very quiet 50th birthday last year. Comes with having living out of town, and being born in December. I would have liked to have roasted Dean big but it wasn't to be.

Dean doesn't get off this year though!! It has nothing to do with plotting family members. It's a different honor altogether. There will be a "blue moon" on Dean's New Year's Eve birthday this year. How about that!!! A blue moon occurs whenever there are two full moons in the same calendar month. It's very rare...that's why they call it a blue moon.

Very auspicious. Since the blue moon occurs on New Year's Eve, I hope it translates to an auspicious year ahead for everyone.


Jay turns 40

I have come to accept my own aging...even if a bit grudgingly. But it's an eye-opener when my much younger brother turns 40. With a December birthdate and being the youngest of eight, Jay's birthday never received a lot of fuss or acclaim. I was a teenager when he came home from the hospital as a newborn in a santa suit.

It still wasn't a lot of fuss, but we tried to remember and honor Jay on this landmark year. Jay and Michelle did an end run to avoid the possible surprise party and invited us all to the house for cake and ice cream. It was great. A nice casual atmosphere and plenty of fellowship and visiting. Thanks!!!

Jay and Sara who "tried" to settle for 2 seconds for the photo.
The cap is a gift Patti brought Jay from Peru. Looks good!
It's reversible with brown on one side and gray on the other. (smirk).

Jay and three of his older brothers.
John, Dave, Jay, and Dwight

There's a story about the cake. It started as two rectangles and was planned to become a layer cake. Turns out it was destined to be cut into a four and an ohh. George is just a puppy...he hasn't learned total control or manners yet.

Thanks Patti for helping salvage refashion the cake!

Patti and Jordan.
It was good to see them!

Cousins chilling after sugar.

It was good to see Robin, Molly, and Sydney. It was a busy day for them with church music schedules.

Monika and Michelle sharing photos. I'm so glad for these sisters in law and their wonderful kids.

Kyle and Sara the lovely and charming tornado.
He's not restraining her really, she is just zanting within his embrace.

John and Monika's boys just had birthday's too. Can you believe they are now eight and five? Sam reminded me of the photos of dad as a young boy...Sam was attached to one or the other dog all afternoon. Here Sam is with the old gentleman Griffin. Somehow I missed snapping George...he requires a lot of supervision (a LOT) but he is surprising calm and well behaved (when he wasn't under house arrest).

Why did I take a picture of five wallets? Well, Kyle just got his drivers license. So he has a new wallet. Jay got a couple gift cards and we were talking about magnetic strips breaking down and he got out his wallet. Sooner or later, those Elliott men just all had their wallets out comparing them for age and wear. I did have to ask them to pause for the photo because they were quickly being replaced to hip pockets.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fresh Paint on the Little Miami Trail

A few mileposts from the Pennsylvania Railroad
remain along the Little Miami Trail.
Most were obscured with lots of brush.

After a lot of work you can see them.
This one is in Terrace Park
just south of New Road.

They needed plenty of scraping and wire-brushing.

A fresh coat of industrial paint brings
them back to life.

Ooo... Ahhh...

Next comes the black paint.

Just like new again.
The arrow on top is an
especially nice element.

We always refer to MP104
as Margaret's milepost.
She's the one who found it.
Thanks, MAE.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Buckeyes on the Virginia Creeper Trail

Several weekends ago Julie and I took trip to southwest Virginia to ride the Virginia Creeper Trail. It's a 34 mile rail trail that runs from Abingdon, Va to White Top mountain. The trail climbs 1500 feet in 17 miles. There are at least half a dozen outfits that will rent you a bicycle and shuttle you to the top. Both days we were there we forgot the camera at the hotel. You'll just have to imagine the picturesque scene of a gurgling mountain stream beside the trail, the many bridges we crossed, the overcast day, and most of all the two happy riders you know. We had a blast and hope to do it again some day.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Kyren is half Quarter Horse, half Tennessee Walker. It makes for a smooth ride but the down transitions (from canter to trot for example) are rough. Both Olivia and I ride Kyren from time to time in our lessons. Yes, we still take lessons together but the schedule is more difficult as our young teenager develops a social life. Sometimes now we solo when our schedules don't match up.

Kyren can be a pickle. If I'm tense, he's tense and he acts up. When I'm calm, he's smooth and enthusiastic. Today, I went to watch some other friends from the stable we go to compete, near Lexington. Kyren was a pro. He was steady and smooth and looked like he was on form and having a good time. He and his rider got a couple of ribbons in the jump divisions. Kyren loves to jump.

Friday, July 31, 2009

2009 Reunion

The last weekend in July brings us all to middle Ohio. Family comes from all around the country. This was a special year. Our most distant cousins and family members came for the weekend. Christopher made the drive from his new home in Chicago. John and Monika with boys are back with us from their home overseas. Cousin David M and his son David came and it was so good to see them. This is but a small selection of the photos I nabbed at the end of the weekend. I had such a nice time visiting that I forgot all about taking snaps until after many kodak moments had past.

Partners in crime. Not really...but Jake and Grace are very good friends/cousins. It worked well because John/Monika and Jay/Michelle took turns keeping the four kids over the weekend so one couple had an early night and the other couple had a night when they could stay up at the campfire.

At any given time, you would find our family dominating the swings. I took a turn myself but fortunately, there were no cameras for that.

All of Dwight's kids made it which is a feat since they are all young adults with jobs. Em and I had a quix-draw on cameras a few times.

It was so good to see Uncle Paul and Aunt Gene. Their entire family group came except for Kirk. Zak and Sam's voices have changed and both are taller than me now. It was good to see them.

Unfortunately, Amber, Dustin and the twins didn't make it. But big brother Austin came with Grandpa Steven.

Marilou's bubble sabers were a huge hit for the entire weekend. Hours of fun by young and old.

Jay's I love Cincinnati stickers had mixed reviews...Austin definately liked his.

Young Sam

Jake with bounty from the pinata. Note the spinning top.

Sara, "your shoes are muddy, you are getting the swing dirty." Upon hearing this observation from several adults, Sara sat down and ended up with footprint smears on the seat of her shorts.

I know I'm not the only one who hasn't read the Twilight novel series but I'm beginning to think I'm in the minority.

We welcomed Michelle's mom Patti for her first visit with our extended clan. What a nice three-gen photo. Don't they all look calm? This is right before the drama began on Sunday night. We were noshing and eating appetizers and Grace came to find mom....

Then Grace disclosed her problem. There was something wrong with her newly pierced ears (recent birthday gift). The earring snagged in her hair and pulled and lodged it badly.

Fortunately, we have a decent amount of medical expertise in the family. Bob and Paula were brought in to consult. Ice was added, discussion was had, Grace's excitement/soberness grew. Grace only had her ears pierced a month or so ago so they are still on the tender side. The family consults determined a trip to emergency care was warranted...for a local anesthetic before the earring could be extracted.

That's what was needed. They were back in camp after a few hours. Grace was a trooper and she wore her hospital bracelet proudly.

It was great to see John M's daughters again. Anne has been coming the last few years and this year Beth came with her friend Justin. They are quite the gamesters and persuaded diverse age-groups to engage in the activities. Have you ever heard of Charoodles? It is charades with props. There are only four allowable props. A cup, a ball, a noodle, and a flat square of foam. Two teams. Each person/team takes a turn to draw a card and perform the 4-7 activities on it. The team earns points by guessing. The props are mandatory. I lucked out and got an eay set to perform. Even Uncle Paul and Aunt Martha participated. It was a lot of laughs.

Justin (judge) and Beth (performer)

"The" Senior Cousin

Socks and Legs were shown. Some more festive than others.

Bikes were ridden throughout the weekend. I don't think I saw Lorena's sister Lisa except when she sped by on her bike.

Recent HS graduate, Melissa, won a birthday ride on cousin Josh's big bike.

Zak and young Josh with bubble sabers.

I made the mistake of asking my son to hold my camera while I helped with the evening skit. Laurie, Molly, and Sydney did a great job with the Saturday evening performance about "Green is Good" by Miss Short. Laurie is also a recent HS graduate.

Sunday afternoon after a wave of departures and goodbyes, Beth and Justin brought out a great hammock. Beth brought it back from a trip to Venezuala.

Knots were tied, and retied, and tested, tightened and retied.

In the end....TaDaaa.

It's a new reunion so we must have a new baby. It was good to meet Toben. He is Kelly and Trent's new son and Kaileigh's baby brother.

Kelly and Trent, proud mama and pops.

Yes the Hammock can hold two. Melissa and Anne.

Justin, Beth, and dad John.

Cabin 6 was the heart of things, thanks to Bill's easy pop up tents. There is one here, but a second one was added on Saturday. Aunt Martha had an easy few steps to the center of activity.

Melissa, Sarah, and Anne.

Dwight, Zak, Sandy, and Sam.

There are many folks who attended who aren't included in this small selection of snaps. Despite the sore absences, we had over 80 in attendance. A decent number stayed from Thursday to Monday.

It was neat that Mom's cousin Morrie once again came in for Saturday dinner. Thanks to Morrie and Uncle Paul, I now have many names to identify photos in GrandmaM's album from 1911-1916. Those will eventually make it to the scrapbook blog.

As always, there is news. Cousin Gail recently retired and she is driving her mom to Seattle in the motor home for a good cup of coffee. Paul H. has found a job in Texas. Barry's daughter Tricia and her husband Michael are expecting their first baby in the fall. Dwight and Julie were using the reunion as the launch ride for their annual bicycle tour of Ohio. Adam's employer has transferred him to LA, Christopher's employer has transferred him to Chicago. Brooke and Jamie delivered a new son, Kyan, the week preceding the reunion. I'm sure there's more that's escaping me at the moment...

Thanks Christine for the wonderful memento cup holder/cooler sleeves!! They were a big hit. Mine was maroon, but there were many colors to chose from. Everyone personalized them and guarded them throughout the weekend. Fun! Thanks also for hosting Saturday breakfast for our local family unit.

We very much missed: David and family, Dean and family, Connie and family, and our many young adults whose jobs and busy schedules and distances don't always cooperate with important family holidays. Uncle Arch's absence was very much felt (I kept expecting him to walk up with his hearty laugh and smile). Thanks so much for those that could make it!

The dates for next year have been set. After messy attempts trying to remember the date of the first reunion and count on fingers, we have by common consensus deemed next year as our 30th anniversary reunion. Uncle Paul plans to come. You can make your reservations now. 7/22/2010 through 7/26/2010. Same place.