Sunday, August 16, 2009


Kyren is half Quarter Horse, half Tennessee Walker. It makes for a smooth ride but the down transitions (from canter to trot for example) are rough. Both Olivia and I ride Kyren from time to time in our lessons. Yes, we still take lessons together but the schedule is more difficult as our young teenager develops a social life. Sometimes now we solo when our schedules don't match up.

Kyren can be a pickle. If I'm tense, he's tense and he acts up. When I'm calm, he's smooth and enthusiastic. Today, I went to watch some other friends from the stable we go to compete, near Lexington. Kyren was a pro. He was steady and smooth and looked like he was on form and having a good time. He and his rider got a couple of ribbons in the jump divisions. Kyren loves to jump.


Number Three of Eight said...

Way to go Emily.

Em went with me tonight for my lesson and she showed me up big time. She transitioned from her experience in Western saddle to English easily. She had perfect posture, picked up on posting, leads, cantering and jumping in our one hour session. I've been at it two years and in another lesson or two, Emily will definately surpass me. Sign er up! My instructor will be entering her in events before you know it.


Number Three of Eight said...

Tonight, Olivia and Kyren did jumped 2 foot vertical rails.

Little Sunny and I did too.
I love riding.