Sunday, July 5, 2009

"Innocent" garden terrors on Mapleleaf

OK I know they already doing damage. But they are adorable now.
I think July late for fresh knobby kneed newborns. It is a frightening forecast for the local deer population.

These are pretty new.

Mama? Are you there?

Whew! Thank goodness! Now we can be bold again!

I know some of you can boast herds. But, I live one block from a major retail area and 1/2 mile from the interstate and lateral. It doesn't matter. It's crazy...maybe one of these days, I'll post all the deer baricades that are up in my garden. I have new and improved ones this year.



rednk-n-eurp said...

tastes like chicken!

if you catch one, let us know.

Number Three of Eight said...

I've decided it's these guys who are slipping through my regular deer barriers to eat everything their mom can't reach.

I've been trying to figure out if it was slugs or the ground hog eating the tops of my plants behind the 7 foot net. I left a six inch gap at the bottom so birds and critters don't get caught and tangled. I think these fawn are just reaching under.

I know a lot of people that eat venison. I've never heard anyone say it tastes like chicken. I'll take your word for it. I respect someone who can kill and butcher the meat they eat. That goes for the small farmer or the hunter that fills his freezer for the year with one shot. Most folks just prefer to distance themselves from the source of their food and purchase the dyed and plastic wrapped stuff at the grocery.

Anyway, I don't think you can legally harvest in my neighborhood. Try Christine.