Wednesday, June 25, 2008


These are all the graduating seniors from my sorority minus 1 or 2. We normally have larger classes gradating (20 or so), but we are a smaller class and the other seniors are staying on an extra year.

These are my pleased parents after the ceremony with my beautiful diploma!!!

Whew! I did it!!! FINALLY!!!

Well I am officially a college graduate! Wow! I cannot believe it, just the other day I used my student ID to get the student price at the movie theatre. I knew I technically should not have done that, but I'm a broke college graduate, and I'm not stupid. I paid for that ID it's time it starts paying me.

Anyway, I graduated June 15th, 2008 sometime it the afternoon. It was a wonderful ceremony and the best part is...I never have to right another INST paper again!!!!


payhay said...

congratulations anne! it is a sweet feeling. much love - michelle

Westside News said...

Congratulations!! You should be proud.

Westside News said...

Congratulations!! You should be proud.

Number Three of Eight said...

Way to go Annie.
When you start missing school, you can get started on your Masters...
Aunt Margaret

Number Three of Eight said...

Way to go Annie.
When you start missing school, you can get started on your Masters...
Aunt Margaret