Sunday, September 9, 2007

First Day of School

Grace started Kindergarten on August 28th! Jay has been after me ever since to post. Sorry for the delay but life is crazy! Anyway....we got up and got ready in plenty of time. Then we went out and took pictures. Of course Sara and Griffin had to participate too.

Sara is saying " I'm a Kindergarten Baby" and Grace is saying "No you are not!" This has been their favorite argument for about 3 weeks now.

After taking the pictures and gathering stuff we set off for school, only to realize that we are running late! How does that happen! But I am thinking that it was God's way of saving me. I didn't have time to watch Grace playing or not playing with other kids. I didn't have time to think about the expression on Grace's face and analyze it until I felt certain that she was freakin out on the inside. We got there just in time for her to stand in line, wait for about a minute before heading in and the look on her face was a look of joy and excitement.

A little bit later Sara and I return for our Goosie Girl. We wait and wait and wait. Finally, the door opens and the children start running out towards their grownups. When Grace comes out, she has this huge smile on her face. She runs at my full tilt and leaps into my arms and hugs me with all her might. It was the best feeling! And she said she had fun. Now a week and half later she is still having fun and can't wait to go back tomorrow.
And so our adventure has begun, wish us well!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures!! Grace, you look so cute in your uniform!

Number Three of Eight said...

Yes, these ARE great pictures. I feel like I was there with you. How did YOU feel, Mom? Thanks for sharing!

rednk-n-eurp said...

Classic post. One small step for Grace; one giant leap for Mom and Dad!

Anonymous said...

I felt very proud! Grace was a complete joy to watch. She was so ready for this next phase of lifer to begin and it was and is so encouraging to see how she approaches the opportunities & challenges she faces. She is a pretty amazing little girl : )